Dutch Plan U

The 3-parts diesel-electric DMU’s Plan U from the NS (Dutch Railways) were built between 1960 and 1963 by Werkspoor in Utrecht. They got the numbes from 111 up to 152. Initially the Plan U were painted red, which gave them the nickname “Rode Duivel” (in english: red devils).

A Plan U unit consists of three cars :

  1. the motorcar (mBDk)
  2. the central car (B)
  3. the steering car (ABk).

The motorcar is equipped with a 1000 HP diesel motor with a maximum speed of 125 km/hr.

From 1968 the Plan U were painted in the new yellow NS house style.

The last Plan U units were taken out of service in December 2003.

Four Plan U units have been in service by the private operator Syntus from 1999 up to 2002. Another six units were in service for NoordNed from 2001 up to 2002.

Update (16/07/2015)

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